Friday, February 24, 2012

So what's the big idea? An introduction to this blog

First, some physics. Bear with me, I promise it will be brief and then I’ll get to the point (which is not physics) right away.
Physics, in many ways, is all about studying and understanding interactions. Objects in physics (and they can be anything – waves, particles, whatever) interact with one another. Otherwise, the universe would be static and boring, and there would be nothing worth studying in the first place. And there wouldn’t even be any means of studying it in the second place, since the only real way to learn about anything is to interact with it, or to observe it interact with its surroundings.
Interactions in physics involve some kind of exchange – usually an exchange of energy or momentum (although that’s really only the tip of the iceberg). Physicists now understand that all the forces that make the universe tick (think of gravity, electricity, etc) are in fact merely the result of interactions between objects. And these interactions take place through messenger particles carrying energy and momentum with them. In the case of the electro-magnetic force, the messenger is light itself: a single photon. 
People interact in much the same ways. People are ‘objects’ too, in this physics sense of the word: they interact with each other, exchange energy and momentum (and a whole lot more besides), and a lot can be learned about them by studying their interactions with others. The world is neither static nor boring – on the contrary, it is chock full of interaction. And nowhere is this more true than at the human level – the level of human interaction. And just like the principles of physics explain the interactions between physical objects, there should be principles that explain the interactions between people, or at that least help us understand them better.
As I’ve blundered my way through life, I have on occasion stumbled upon some of these principles. Some of them came through bursts of intuition. Most had been stewing subconsciously in my head for a long time before crystalizing. But being the fairly reserved, introverted person I am, I have largely kept them to myself – not because I was unwilling to share, but because I didn’t know how to do so. To be honest, I was (still am, actually) afraid others wouldn’t care at all about what I had discovered, or simply wouldn’t understand – not least because I struggle so much to communicate effectively.
Fortunately, (for me, and I hope for you too, in some way) I recently met a friend who both cares a great deal and expends great energy trying to understand – and believe me, it’s not easy. I struggle mightily to communicate things verbally that make sense to me on an intuitive level. When the last puzzle piece clicks into place it isn’t necessarily true that you can immediately turn the guy next to you and explain it. And even if you could, he would probably think you were pretty weird. Anyway, this wonderful friend both listens and tries to understand, and really does incredibly well in both respects. At the end of one particularly meaningful conversation (during which a lot of light was exchanged) she urged me to blog about some of this stuff. She said it was useless if it stayed cooped up in my head, and that there were more people out there than I realized who would appreciate and value it. I instantly knew she was right, so I decided to follow her advice.  
First though, an important disclaimer: I don’t consider myself very wise and don’t think I have a particularly firm grasp of life either. If anyone else out there has it figured out, pray tell. But if my experience in life has taught me anything it’s that even if someone were to let me in on all of life’s secrets it probably wouldn’t help me out all that much. Life is one of those things you have to experience for yourself to understand and for its lessons to mean anything to you.
What I mean to share here are the ingots of truth I have managed to smelt from the fairly boring ore of everyday life. And if there is anything of value here I don’t take any credit. I owe all the paltry wisdom I have accrued to my God. My heavenly father has loved me and nurtured my spirit for a very long time. If there is truth in anything I post here, the glory is all his.   

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